This is an exciting week for new series' and for current story lines!
First up.. We Stand on Guard, from Saga scribe Brian K Vaughn and Matrix storyboard artist Steve Skroce. 100 years in the future, a band of Canadian citizens defend their home against an invasion by the giant militarized robots of the United States Army! Brian K Vaughn is known for telling epic tales, sweeping in scope, rich in character development, with a deep and twisting plot. This 40-Page Monster drops on Wednesday, July 1st, for just $2.99! Pick up a copy and get in on the ground floor of what is sure to be a wild ride through the Canadian wilderness, eh?
Next.. in the new series 18 Days, Grant Morrison explores the ancient Eastern legend of Mahabbharata. And "what, exactly, is that?", you ask? It's a tale of three generations of warriors meeting for the final battle of their age, in a war to end the Age of Gods, and begin the Age of Man.There is little moral clarity to be found here; the good guys must make hard choices that will take them down a path atypical of most heroes. This is what happens when idealism hits cold, hard reality. Issue #1 is just $1, and hits Universal Comics this Wednesday, July 1st! Grab your copy before they're gone!
Then.. Marvel hits us with next chapter of it's universe-altering mega-event, Secret Wars #4! Johnathan Hickman tell us exactly how Battleworld was created, and how Doom came to be it's God Emperor! There are many strange domains across this patchwork planet, held together solely by the iron will of Doom. Now, we're finally going to learn how he managed to prop himself up as Lord and Savior of this, the final reality! Also, get caught up with what's going on in the domains known as Years of Future Past, X-Tinction Agenda, Future Imperfect, and more in these exciting Issue #2s!